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Advisory and Coaching of any BPM Topic
Office of BPM  
BPM toolset

Best / Next Practice knowledge   -    Learn from the best

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Client Benefits


What is the best Approach - avoid common mistakes  -  learn from the best

Benefit from our expertise in all BPM topics. We believe that you need a strong executive support, to become a process centric organisation. One Topic is often underestimated - the BPMS (the BPM toolset), but in a digital world this is where the source of empowerment lies.  We have screened hunnerts of tools to find the hidden champions in these areas, and you need a handful of tools, no tool can do it all. 

We can help you to empower your organisation:


  • Implement and manage the 4 pillars of BPM

  • What is the best BPMS - toolset for your organisation?

  • What are Best in class Governance models, and what is the best for you? 

  • What are the essential documents / conventions / methods you need?

  • What Capacities you need to establish

  • What are timeframes and budgets are needed?
    (If you have a other question, just reach out to us, we are happy to discuss and advice)

Client Benefits


What is the best Approach - avoid common mistakes  -  learn from the best

Benefit from our expertise in all BPM topics. We believe that you need a strong executive support, to become a process centric organisation. One Topic is often underestimated - the BPMS (the BPM toolset), but in a digital world this is where the source of empowerment lies.  We have screened hunnerts of tools to find the hidden champions in these areas, and you need a handful of tools, no tool can do it all. 

We can help you to empower your organisation:


  • Implement and manage the 4 pillars of BPM

  • What is the best BPMS - toolset for your organisation?

  • What are Best in class Governance models, and what is the best for you? 

  • What are the essential documents / conventions / methods you need?

  • What Capacities you need to establish

  • What are timeframes and budgets are needed?
    (If you have a other question, just reach out to us, we are happy to discuss and advice)

OUR SERVICES  for BPM, Office of BPM and BPM-tools

Empower your organisation

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Expert guidance to harvest quick wins and improve your processes to deliver Value to your organisations.


Standardise your processes, and you free up resources and capital, to improve / innovate your product / service offering.

We can provide you with the environment to make it easier for the pilot to demonstrate the value

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Make the Business the Owner of everything (even IT), as they have only one purpose to support the Business Strategy.


The Key enablers are the BPM - Capabilities 

one of the most important BPM Capability is 

                   Process Minning
process mining discovers you real process,
                     - creates you process model,
                     -  allows you to monitor, even live your process
                     -  enables to optimize/improve/innovate 



Start your capability development today



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The most important ingredient to success is powerful
BPA toolset

There is no one tool in the market, who can do it all


you need:


  • process mining to discover your real processes  - no interviews needed

  • a Process Portal, so you can document and share processes

  • to measure your processes, so you can start managing them  

  • a capability to automate them, to improve them

    then you have to decide if you also want to:

  • innovate them

  • Predict them

  • Simulate innovation scenarios before you built them

  • agile - change processes on your fingertips

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